conclusion page

Conclusion Page


After doing this project I have learned many things. Computers are a very helpful device; they help us stay connected with friends and family. We can E-mail and link video clips to other people and to share with the world but that is now. When their was the word computer, it was just that a word and there was no machine to match the word it only meant a person who performed calculations, that was in 1613. Then when the first computer was made by Charles Babbage in 1822, the Difference Engine people were amazed by it, I find it very interesting to think about what the people of those day would think of things like the Apple products.  Computers have made a great impact in everyday life and have made so many dramatic changes over the years. The first personal Computer that was made by Ed Roberts in 1971, although people thought that computers would only be owned by rich people, offices, and other important places, they never thought that almost every person would one day own a computer. The first lap top or portable computer was the IBM5100 which was realesed in September of 1975. This 55 pound computer was made by Adam Osborne. The first truly portable computer was also made by Adam Osborne in April of 1981 and it was called the Osborne1, named after its creator. This computer had a large weight improvement compared the the 55 pound IBM5100, this computer only weighed 24.5 pound and had a 5 inch display and cost $175.00. Although Adam’s Osborne1 was an improvement from the IBM5100, Adam still felt need for improvement so he made the IBM PCD in 1986 this computer truly was portable it was only 12 pounds, something that a person could carry very easily with them to work or where ever they may be.

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